Tuesday, January 11, 2011

One on One with my Professor

It must be a good sign when you can make your instructor laugh and almost cry while reading your essay.
She really liked it and only had a few things for me to work on. I still need to work on punctuations and run on sentences LOL

I told her it was really hard for me to write with out using LOL and :-) she laughed.
I now have to go through and add the few things she suggested for detail. I also need to look for those damn run on sentience's that have been plaguing me since I was in high school .

I am wondering if we will have school tomorrow or not. It is suppose to snow and then freezing rain tonight. I will be a good girl and finish my homework after dinner just in case we do :-)

Math is going much better then I had feared it would heheh.  As we go over each section it all starts coming back to me. I missed only 2 problems on last weeks home work. Both where stupid error that had nothing to do with the understanding of the subject. If we correct our issues she will give us the credit for the corrections so we don't loose any points.

I think Levi really hit the nail on the head when he told me I always seemed happiest while I was learning something new. School may just be what I need at this point in my life!

OK off to get my steaks out of the oven ... mmmmmmm my mouth is watering all ready!

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